The Artist Place, LLC - this site contains artistic nudes

Purchase & Commission
Art Work

If you are interested in having a Lifecast, Photo Shoot, Sculpture, Portrait created, or making a purchase of existing work, send an e-mail to: - in Denver, CO region

Please note: I do not work from photographs, ever. Do not ask me to create a painting, sculpture or other work from a photo.

artist painting at his easel

Please visit my other sites:

Give someone a gift card for a personal Lifecast Session:
click here.

Schedule A Lifecast Appointment

in Denver, CO region

via email to:

Because supplies must be ordered per project, I am unable to accept walk-ins.

Cost depends on type and quantity of material used: Plaster, Plastic, Silicone, Resin, etc...

There is additional time for pouring the cast, depending on cure time of the material used, which can range from 10 minutes to several hours.

Finished lifecasts with longer cure times may have to be picked up a day or more later. Shipping may be arranged at an additional cost.

I am not able to accept checks for payment.

Mold and Casting are priced separately based on materials used.

Contact me for pricing.

Casting Materials Available

Plaster - Least Expensive, Heavy & Brittle. Silicone - Life-like feel and may be tinted to approximate skin color. Plastic - Light weight, may be tinted to one of many colors but not necessarily skin color. Foam - May be rigid, like styrofoam, or soft, like a pillow; may be tinted skin or most any other color. Resin - Most Expensive, Solid: may be clear or translucent colors.
Additional Casting Options - email for quote

Stone, Marble, Bronze, Aluminum, Copper effects

Glow-in-the-dark Blue or Green

UV (black light) colors

Colorful Glitters

Pricing of limbs and torso based on size.

Pricing to be posted soon or email for quote.

More options and pricing available upon email request.